I am recent Ph.D. graduate in Applied and Computational Mathematics from the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC. My work concerns developing, implementing and analyzing, mathematical models for high performance computation. In particular, I developed a model for polymer gel behavior in my dissertation titled, 'A Non-linear Parallel Model for Reversible Polymer Solutions in Steady and Oscillatory Shear Flow.'

Email: etpalmer.sc@gmail.com


Below are two limerick's written by combining the information on this webpage and other, not necessarily factual, information about me.

There once was an Erik who mathed
played music and learned Chinese fast
He ultimately dropped the final frisbee
cried mucus - his team came in last.

In college frisbee he did play
while he did math and music all day
while learning Chinese
on occasion he'd sneeze
and snot would go every which way.