A musical chord progression represented as a polyhedra.

Current Projects:

Mathematical Modeling of Multi-Responsive Polymer Gels

A model to reproduce the rheological behavior of polymer gel mixtures through modeling, numerical simulation and comparison with experimental data.

Past Projects:

A Stochastic Model of Lung Mucus

with Paula Vasquez, David Hill, and Greg Forest

An elastic dumbbell model that leverages the parallel processing power of GPUs to create a micro-macro-scale design.

Multiphase Flow Simulation

During the summer of 2017, I participated in a 10-week internship at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory that was sponsored by NSF's Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship. At the lab, I worked in the Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) to develop a particle collision model that couples with fluid simulations within the adaptive mesh framework, AMReX. The goal of this work was to explore the potential to adapt the National Energy Technology Lab's Mutliphase Flow with Interphase Exchanges (MFiX) software suite for execution on exascale computing machines.

See the poster here.

Hybrid Programmatic TV Markets

with Marco Montes de Oca, et al.

I collaborated with a group of mathematicians to work on optimization of auctioning television advertising slots over the week long workshop, Mathematical Problems in Industry (MPI).

See my chapter on algorithm engineering in the report here [O28].

Modeling and Simulation of Mucus Flow in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Cultures Part I: Idealized Axisymmetric Swirling Flow

with Paula Vasquez, Yuan Jin and Greg Forest

A validated constitutive model capable of recapitulating mucus rheology under diverse, physiological stress and deformation conditions.

See the paper at

Music and Mathematics

with Shirley Yap and Andria Barraza

Explored properties of different methods of measuring the evenness of a rhythm.

See the poster here.

Defensive Positioning in Ultimate Frisbee

A simple model for determining the ideal position to place a defender in ultimate frisbee.

Institutional Influences on Chinese Mathematics

Finalist: HOM SIGMAA Student Paper Contest 2007

Encouraged by Moon Duchin to expand my final paper from her History of Mathematics class to the History of Mathematics Special Interest Group Mathematical Association of America's (HOM SIGMAA) student paper contest

See the paper here.